Send your marketing straight into their pockets

Text message and SMS marketing reach people on the go. SMS campaign automation makes it easy to reach people when they’re out and about.

What’s the open rate of a text message?

People “check” email. They “get” SMS messages. Your contacts are extremely likely to read texts—which makes them perfect for reminder messages and flash sales.

Subscribe via SMS

Add automated SMS sending to your automation work flows and send follow ups to your contacts, notify sales agents, and more. Define the exact delivery time schedule so that you send at the optimal day and time.

Manage and collect phone numbers

Import your contacts with phone numbers or manually manage your existing contacts. Collect phone numbers with custom forms on your website, so you can stay in touch with text campaigns when your contacts are on the go.

Automatic opt-out and unsubscribe management

It’s easy to unsubscribe. If anyone wants to stop getting SMS messages, they can reply with "STOP" or "UNSUBSCRIBE" at any time. We’ll automatically unsubscribe them from your SMS campaigns.

Automate your SMS marketing

You can add SMS messages as a step in your automations. That means you can send scheduled text message notifications and campaigns automatically.

  • • Appointment reminders
  • • SMS messages to event attendees
  • • Confirmation or coupon code delivery
  • • Flash sale notifications